Juan F. García Inc.
Having the expertise in the construction industry Juan F. Garcia Inc, has not only managed to establish themselves as leaders in the industry of mechanical and electrical construction, but it also as general civil contractor managing to establish new standards in the industry with the ability to efficiently manage large projects as well as remodeling of existing structures making with the highest standards in quality and safety, specific works like; Gypsum board, Concrete works, Floors (Epoxy, vinyl, tiles, etc), Demolitions, Painting, Textures, Doors and Windows, PVC walls, Asphalt, Structural steel, Utilities, Clean rooms and many more.
Thus Juan F. Garcia inc, achieves established as leaders in the construction industry in
Puerto Rico with clients ranging from the pharmaceutical industry, education and government .
Among the most outstanding projects include ;
Puerto Rico Electrical Authority (PREPA)
Luchetti Multi Use Building - $ 15,835,000.00
Puerto Rico Electrical Authority (PREPA)
Luchetti Building Remodeling - $ 11,000,000.00
Puerto Rico Electrical Authority (PREPA)
Canovanas Electric Service Center - $ 8,345,000.00
Emergency Generators System, Carraizo Dam - $ 6,665,000.000
Humacao Community College Annex - $ 2,463,000.00
Auxilio Mutuo Hospital Meeting Board Room - $ 2,783,000
New Chemistry Lab, UPR Humacao - $ 6,389,000.00
Chemistry Lab. Renovations UPR Rio Piedras - $ 4,766,000.00
State Elections Commision Building (C.E.E.) $ 2,526,000.00
Among others.